Rockford Family Peace Center
The Family Peace Center is a 501c3, multi-agency, multi-disciplinary co-located service center that provides services to victims of interpersonal violence. Both public and private partner agencies assign staff on a full-time or part-time basis to provide services from one location. The facility focuses on reducing the number of times survivors tell their stories and the number of places survivors must go for help, as well as increasing access to services and support for survivors and their children.
The center is located at 315 N. Main Street in Rockford, Illinois.
Remedies 24hr Domestic Violence Hotline
Remedies Addiction and Treatment
Remedies Gambling Addiction Services
Remedies provides critical and often times lifesaving services to adults struggling with substance abuse and to victims of domestic violence and their children or vulnerable family members, Remedies works to end the cycle of abuse and addiction through education, support, and community involvement.
Remedies is located at 215 Easton Parkway in Rockford, or 1908 Pierce Court in Belvidere.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Domestic Violence Support
Voices of Stephenson County
(815) 235-1641
Family Services
(608) 365-1244
Our mission is to build community well-being through sustained advocacy, education, counseling and case management. At Family Services, we truly value the help of qualified professionals, a strong donor network and an engaged community in achieving our missio