If you are in danger, please call 911.

If you need a secure, safe place to stay, please contact a shelter. If you are in the Rockford area, you can contact Remedies at 815-962-6102 or the Rockford Rescue Mission’s Women’s Crisis Center at 815-316-4198.

Bring any medication you might need and, if you are able, important documents like social security cards, orders of protection, IDs and birth certificates for your family.  Children are welcome under certain ages at each location. At this time, no local domestic violence shelter accepts pets, but they may have agreements with businesses who can help with housing a pet while you get settled.

If you are not in the area, but live in Illinois or you are looking to relocate to Illinois, you may call Domestic Violence Helpline:  1-877-TO END DV or 1-877-863-6338 (Voice) or 1-877-863-6339 (TTY) to find services, shelter and support. The hotline is toll free, confidential, multilingual, and available 24-hours.

If you are without transportation, law enforcement can provide you with a ride to a safe location, like a shelter. It is your right under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.

(Suggestions from https://rockfordfamilypeacecenter.org)